Friday, September 23, 2011

'Live the Life You've Imagined' Part 8

This was a good week! I made a trip north to say goodbye to my sister before she left for Costa Rica. On the way home I stopped to take a photo of part of a giant wind farm by our house. Other highlights from this week that I did not capture in photos: I got my sewing machine up and running! I can finally make use of all of the fabric I have been buying since I was sixteen years old in anticipation of this achievement : ) In addition, I submitted my application for grad school. Please send me positive thoughts and say some prayers for me.

While visiting, Alyssa and I picked a bouquet of zinnias and cosmos.

1. A picture of me and my house while doing some work in the flower garden.
2. Monday night into Tuesday morning I was trapped in Lowell by a thick blanket of fog. I wasn't encouraged to drive in it after just reading 'Pictures of You,' which included a fatal, foggy car crash.
3. Pretty, purple asters. An early birthday present from Aunt Lorraine.
4. Saint James Lutheran Church
5. Last Friday, Josh and I went on a gallery walk through all of the local shops.
6. Sunday morning Cracker Barrel.
7. Kale from Aunt Lorraine
8. I found a praying mantis while planting flowers. He looks giant compared to our neighbors' house.
9. I cannot get enough of these humongous roses from our garden.
This week's InstaChallenge was to take a photo of something I greatly dislike. These spiky weeds and I have been waging a war ever since we moved in.


  1. I'm with you. I really, really, really dislike weeds. I've given up this year, going to focus on thick grass for next year in hopes they stay away.

  2. you have great pictures in that post!

    Light Trigger: OUR ENTRY

  3. These photos are lovely! I have an unnatural love for instagram, but what blogger doesn't ... :)

  4. These are all great! Many positive vibes and prayers for and grad school. Thanks so very much for linking up this weekend!

  5. Great collage of beautiful pictures:)


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