Friday, February 10, 2012

Live the Life You've Imagined, Part 27

These photos provide a quick peek into my life from the past week. If you would like to follow all of my photos, my username on Instagram is mrsmoon. 

After the beautiful weather last week, we were reminded that it is still winter in Indiana with a few light dustings of snow. I am also reminded of the cold temps because our furnace quit working last night. As I write this post, I am bundled up, drinking coffee and waiting for the repair man. 

1. Last weekend we went drove to Chicago to celebrate Josh’s mom’s birthday. I made her a cake.

2.We had a celebratory birthday dinner at a delicious sushi restaurant.

3. This smart, baby bird is Rio. He lives with my in-laws.

4. I like these towers. I am better at taking photos from the car when I’m not driving : ) On Sunday we went to a Super Bowl party at Matt and Stef’s house. Unfortunately, I did not take any quality photos, but we did have a good time. (I am sure that the lack of photos was due to my involvement in watching the game…)

5. My Christmas clearance amaryllis bloomed. The big red flowers make me so happy.

6. I recently saw a print that said, “If you have a garden and a library you have everything you need.” Agreed!

7. I finished reading The Art of Racing in the Rain. If you are ever wondering what your dog is thinking, you should read this book.

8. I made tasty Lemon Garlic Chicken I found on Pinterest. It received two thumbs up in the Moon household. It has a very bold lemon flavor, so you may want to dial down the lemon if you are not a big fan.

9. Commute to Indy. Yesterday a medical student at Riley asked if I was a high school volunteer. When I laughed and informed her of my age she was embarrassed. It made my day. 


  1. That birthday cake is GORGEOUS! Way to go! You have such lovely photos :)

    Have a great weekend!

  2. You made that cake? Wow, it's beautiful. I truly would love to know what my dog is thinking...she's kind of crazy...or so it appears. I know what you mean about taking pictures during a party...sometimes you are just having too much fun to get the camera (or the phone) out. Take care.

  3. Oh my gosh I love Rio! I blogged a little while ago about how much I sometimes think I would like a parrot, although I hear they are a lot of work, so perhaps not.

  4. I have lots of family members who've recommended "The Art of Racing in the Rain" It's on my list of books to read!

  5. I'm following you now on Instagram, I always love your pictures from the week, and that cake, you rocked it girl. And chicago, what a treat!


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