Monday, October 31, 2011

Pumpkins & Seeds

Carving pumpkins is my favorite part of Halloween. I usually use patterns to help execute my pumpkin masterpieces. They take a ridiculous amount of time, but it's only once a year and I got to watch several episodes of the Nate Show.

Two quick tips:
1.I use a ton of packaging tape to make sure the pattern doesn't move while I'm busy poking.
2. Once poking is complete, I give the pumpkin a quick rub down with flour. This makes the dotted line much easier to see.

Josh might love pumpkin seeds more than I enjoy carving.

Moon Cajun Pumpkin Seeds
  • Soak pumpkin seeds in water for several hours.
  • Boil seeds in a salt solution for ten minutes.
  • Spread out on a baking sheet covered with foil.
  • Sprinkle with kosher salt, Cajun seasoning, and Tony's creole seasoning.
  • Bake at 400 degress for 10-15 minutes or until golden brown.


    1. oh they turned out great! and you'll have to share your picnik layering secret with me, because i still can't figure out how you you did the main photo in your last post! :)

    2. You are totally a pumpkin artist!!! AMAZING!!! I didn't bake my pumpkin seeds this year and seeing yours is making me seriously crave them!!! Hmm, guess I'll have to do the next best thing and pick up a package of pre-made. Mental note, don't slack next year Aimee!!! I'm linking your pumpkins up next year and doing a post on them, seriously impressed!!!

      Aimee @ ItsOverflowing


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